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B 27 Target Dimensions: Key Measurements for Accurate Shooting Practice

B 27 Target Dimensions

B 27 Target Dimensions: Find the precise measurements for B 27 shooting targets used in various shooting ranges. Improve your aim and accuracy.

Are you an avid shooter looking for a target that will challenge your skills? Look no further than the B 27 target.

At first glance, the B 27 target may seem like any other standard silhouette target. However, its dimensions and design make it stand out from the rest.

So, what are the dimensions of a B 27 target exactly? The target measures 24 inches wide by 45 inches tall, providing ample room for shooting practice.

But why should you choose the B 27 target over other options?

The answer lies in its realistic design. The target features a life-size silhouette of a human body, complete with anatomically correct scoring zones. This makes it the perfect choice for self-defense and law enforcement training.

Additionally, the B 27 target is made from heavy-duty paper that can withstand multiple rounds without tearing or ripping. This means you can practice your aim for hours without needing to replace the target.

But wait, there's more! The B 27 target also includes visual aids to help improve your accuracy. The target features numbered rings to assist with sighting and a center circle for aim placement.

Transitioning from one target to another can be time-consuming and frustrating. With the B 27 target, you won't have to worry about constantly swapping targets. Its size and durability make it perfect for both close-range and long-range shooting.

If you're still not convinced that the B 27 target is the solution you've been looking for, consider this: the target is widely used by law enforcement agencies across the United States. By using the same target as the professionals, you can better prepare yourself for real-life situations.

So, whether you're an experienced shooter or just starting, the B 27 target is a must-have for anyone looking to improve their skills. Its realistic design, size, durability, and visual aids make it the perfect choice for self-defense and law enforcement training.

Don't settle for a mediocre target, upgrade to the B 27 and take your shooting skills to the next level!

The Dimensions of B 27 Targets – Why You Need to Know

If you are into shooting, whether it is just for fun or as part of your profession, then knowing the dimensions of B 27 targets is crucial. These targets are widely used in various shooting competitions and training exercises. Knowing the dimensions can help you set up a better target practice session or prepare for competitions accurately.

What are B 27 Targets?

B 27 targets are essentially silhouette targets that are made from paper. They are typically designed with the shape of a full-size human silhouette in mind. The actual dimensions may vary depending on the manufacturer, but they all have specific features that resemble the human body torso and head.

The Dimensions of B 27 Targets

According to the official guidelines outlined by the regulation bodies, the standard dimensions for a B 27 target should be 45 inches high and 24 inches wide. The targets should also have additional markings such as score rings, for accuracy evaluations during competitions.

The silhouette area of the B 27 target should measure about 30 inches high and 20 inches wide, while the headbox located at the top center of the silhouette should measure 6 inches high and 4 inches wide.

Why Knowing these Dimensions is Important

Knowing the dimensions of a B 27 target is essential if you want to set up accurate target practice sessions or prepare well for competitions. Some of the reasons why it is important include:

  • Ensuring that you have the right setup for shooting accuracy training, including setting the appropriate range distances and positions
  • Helping you practice specific shots for precise rifle placement or handgun draw techniques, especially if you are preparing for competitions or jobs that require such skills
  • Providing a standard of measurement for competitions that ensures fair play across all participants, regardless of their level of expertise

The Benefits of Using B 27 Targets

B 27 targets have become incredibly popular in many shooting practice sessions and competitions due to their numerous benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  • Realistic: They offer a realistic depiction of the human torso, which is important in many shooting scenarios that require accurate shot placement.
  • Affordable: They are relatively affordable compared to other types of shooting targets and can be easily shuffled around to provide different shooting scenarios.
  • Easy to Use: They are also easy to set up and mount, making them an excellent choice for beginners and professionals alike.
  • Fairness: The standardized dimensions ensure that everyone who participates in a shooting competition using B 27 targets has an equal chance of winning, based on skill and expertise.


In conclusion, if you want to improve your shooting accuracy, whether for fun or competition purposes, then knowing the dimensions of a B 27 target is essential. Incorporating these targets into your training regimen can help you build more accurate shooting skills and boost your confidence levels with firearms.

Mastering B 27 Target Dimensions - A Guide for Shooters


When it comes to target shooting, using the correct size of a target is crucial in achieving your desired accuracy. The B 27 target is the most common target used by law enforcement agencies, military personnel, and civilian shooters. This article will guide you through the dimensions of the B 27 target so that you can improve your shooting skills.

B 27 Target Dimensions

The B 27 target measures 45 inches in length and 24 inches in width. It is printed on 60-pound paper and displays the torso and head of a person. The black line that outlines the target's torso and head has a thickness of 1.7 inches. The inner white portion of the target where shooters aim is 18 inches in length and 12 inches in width.

Target Distances

The B 27 target is designed for various shooting distances. The standard distance for shooting this target is 25 yards for handguns and 100 yards for rifles. The B 27 targets could be hung at an angle up to 45 degrees to simulate a real-life situation.

Scoring Zones

The B 27 target has different scoring zones. The innermost zone, which is the smallest area inside the torso, is worth 5 points. If you hit the boundaries of this zone, you'll receive 4 points. The next ring outside the primary zone has a value of 4 points, while the third ring is worth 3 points. The last part outer zone of the body has a value of 2 points. Shots hitting outside the overlaying lines are not scored.

Target Stand

An essential aspect of shooting with the B 27 target is using the right target stand. The target should be mounted on a stand, enabling it to hold the paper firmly. A proper stand will allow the shooter to move the target easily without compromising its position.

Lighting Conditions

Ensure that you've set up the target under the right lighting condition. Low light could distort the image of the target, making it difficult to aim at. Bright light could cause glare, affecting your ability to aim and shoot accurately.

Using Sights

If you want to achieve your desired accuracy, ensure that your sights are correctly aligned. You should practice quickly acquiring good sight alignment and sight picture with the B 27 target. The sight picture refers to how the front post (or dot) properly aligns with the rear sight blades.

Trigger control

A critical aspect of shooting with the B 27 target is trigger control. Jerking the trigger could move the barrel off-target, causing significant errors. A smooth and continuous pull on the trigger is necessary to achieve optimum accuracy when shooting the B 27 target.

Practice, practice, practice

To improve your shooting skills with the B 27 target, you need to practice regularly. Set up the target, align your sights, and practice shooting at different distances. With time and persistence, you'll develop the consistency, speed, and accuracy needed to hit the scoring zones of the B 27 target.


B 27 targets are staples for marksmanship training and competitions. Understanding their dimensions and the various factors that affect shooting accuracy is crucial. If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to target shoot accurately and consistently using the B 27 target. Practice, patience and focus always pay off in the end.

B 27 Target Dimensions: A Comprehensive Comparison

B 27 target is a popular paper target used for shooting practice. It is designed to simulate an average person's body, making it ideal for self-defense training. This target can be used for both hand and long-range firearms such as handguns, rifles, and shotguns. But what are the differences between the various B 27 target dimensions? In this article, we'll explore the different sizes of B 27 targets and compare them with each other.

Standard B 27 Target

The standard B 27 target measures 45 inches in height and 24 inches in width. This size is commonly used in shooting ranges and is considered the industry standard. The target features a human silhouette, including the head, shoulders, chest, and waist. The center mass of the target is where most shooters aim, which is the area below the chest and above the waist.

The standard B 27 target is perfect for handgun enthusiasts, especially those who want to improve their accuracy at close ranges. The target is lightweight and easy to handle, allowing shooters to move it around the range as needed. Its large size also provides a more realistic simulation of an attacker, making it invaluable for self-defense training.


  • Industry standard size
  • Realistic human silhouette design
  • Large enough for self-defense training


  • May be too large for some indoor ranges
  • Not ideal for long-range shooting

B 27E Target

The B 27E target was developed by the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) as a revised version of the standard B 27 target. It differs from the original design in that it has a white scoring zone and a smaller torso area.

The target measures 45 inches in height and 24 inches in width, which is the same as the standard B 27 target. The only difference is that the central scoring area is smaller in the B 27E, measuring 12 inches by 18 inches.

The smaller scoring area of the B 27E target makes it more challenging for shooters to hit the center mass accurately. Therefore, this target is ideal for advanced shooters who want to improve their precision and accuracy.


  • Smaller scoring zone increases the difficulty level
  • Perfect for advanced shooters


  • Not suitable for beginners or inexperienced shooters
  • May not be available at all shooting ranges

B 27S Target

The B 27S target is designed for shotgun enthusiasts who want to practice their accuracy and speed. Unlike other B 27 targets, the B 27S is a single target sheet, meaning that it doesn't have a hole for mounting on a backing board.

The B 27S target measures 42 inches in height and 14 inches in width. This size is ideal for shotgun enthusiasts who want to practice their aim at a moving target. The target features three human silhouettes, each representing a different angle from which an attack could occur. The target is also color-coded, with each silhouette indicating the type of shot that should be fired.


  • Designed specifically for shotgun enthusiasts
  • Can be used without a backing board
  • Provides a realistic simulation of a moving target


  • Not suitable for other firearms
  • The smaller size may not be suitable for all ranges

B 27PRO Target

The B 27PRO target is designed for competitive shooting and is used in IPSC matches. This target is similar to the standard B 27 target, with the only difference being in the scoring zones.

The scoring zones on the B 27PRO target are smaller than those of the standard B 27 target, making it more challenging for shooters to hit the center mass. The target measures 45 inches in height and 24 inches in width, which is the same as the standard B 27 target.


  • Used in IPSC matches
  • Smaller scoring zones increase difficulty level


  • Not ideal for beginners
  • May not be available at all ranges


Each B 27 target dimensions have their own unique characteristics that make them ideal for different types of shooting activities. The standard B 27 target is great for general handgun practice and self-defense training, while the B 27E is perfect for advanced shooters who want to improve their accuracy. The B 27S is perfect for shotgun enthusiasts who want to practice their aim at a moving target, while the B 27PRO is designed for competitive shooting.

When choosing the right B 27 target dimensions, it's essential to consider your skill level, intended use, and the availability of the target at your preferred range. Ultimately, whichever target you choose, it'll help you improve your accuracy and proficiency, which is the ultimate goal of any shooting practice.

Standard B27B27EB27SB27PRO
Height45 inches45 inches42 inches45 inches
Width24 inches24 inches14 inches24 inches
Scoring ZoneLarge (industry standard)SmallN/ASmall
UseGeneral handgun and self-defense trainingAdvanced shootersShotgun enthusiastsCompetitive shooting

The Importance of Understanding B 27 Target Dimensions for Shooting Practice

Shooting is a widespread hobby, sport, and skill that has been around for centuries. However, it takes much more than just holding a gun and pointing it towards an object to make the shot. Beginners and even experienced shooters must understand the target's dimensions and the different shooting range targets' sizes to improve their accuracy and overall shooting experience.

One of the most popular targets used worldwide is the B 27 target. This paper target is used in law enforcement and military training, competitions, and practice ranges. The B 27 target dimensions are 24 inches wide by 45 inches long, with ten concentric rings representing 5-point value each to score the shooter's accuracy.

Understanding the B 27 target dimensions is essential for anyone who wants to improve their shooting skills. Shooting at a B 27 target with the correct distance, stance, grip, and technique can help shooters increase their accuracy, confidence, and performance.

When using a B 27 target, it is crucial to know the different areas of the target and what each ring represents. The innermost circle represents a perfect shot, while the outer white area represents zero points. Shooting ranges may also have specific rules and scoring systems for the use of a B 27 target.

If you are looking to improve your shooting skills or get into the world of shooting as a beginner, practicing with a B 27 target is an excellent way to start. Understanding the target's dimensions and the scoring system can help beginners learn to shoot accurately and set goals to improve their performance in the future.

Experienced shooters can also benefit from using a B 27 target by refining their shooting techniques, testing their weapons' capabilities, and measuring their accuracy and consistency over time.

Another important factor to remember when using B 27 targets is the range at which you should shoot them. Different distances can change the target's size perception and affect the shooter's accuracy. For example, shooting at a B 27 target at a distance of ten yards can make the target appear smaller than when shooting at it from twenty-five yards.

It is also essential to ensure that the B 27 target is hung securely and evenly to prevent bunched up areas or wrinkles that could affect the shooter's accuracy. Additionally, lighting and weather conditions can also affect the target's visibility and the shooter's accuracy.

Overall, understanding the B 27 target dimensions and how to use them correctly can go a long way in helping shooters improve their skills and reach new levels of accuracy and performance.

As a final note, always remember to practice gun safety when handling firearms and using shooting ranges. Shooters must be knowledgeable about the different types of guns, ammunition, and shooting range protocols to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Be responsible, and enjoy your shooting practice.

If you're ready to take your shooting skills to the next level, head to your local shooting range or purchase a B 27 target for practice sessions. Understanding the dimensions and rules surrounding the use of B 27 targets can help you enjoy a rewarding and safe shooting experience.

Thank you for reading this article on the importance of understanding B 27 target dimensions. We hope that this information has been helpful in improving your shooting skills and enhancing your overall shooting experience.

People Also Ask About B 27 Target Dimensions

What are B 27 targets?

B-27 targets are a standard type of paper target used for firearms training and qualification. They measure 23 x 35 inches and typically feature a silhouette of a human figure.

What is the purpose of using B 27 targets?

The purpose of using B-27 targets is to improve accuracy and marksmanship skills. These targets are often used by law enforcement officers, military personnel, and civilian gun enthusiasts for practice and training.

What are the dimensions of B 27 targets?

The dimensions of B-27 targets are 23 x 35 inches (58.420 x 88.90 cm). This size is common among paper targets used for firearms training and qualification.

What is the distance for shooting at B 27 targets?

The distance for shooting at B-27 targets varies depending on the user's skill level and training goals. However, a common distance for shooting at these targets is 25 yards (22.86 meters).

What types of firearms can be used with B 27 targets?

B-27 targets can be used with a wide variety of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns. These targets are ideal for improving accuracy and marksmanship with any type of firearm.

  • B-27 targets are a standard type of paper target used for firearms training and qualification
  • The purpose of using B-27 targets is to improve accuracy and marksmanship skills
  • The dimensions of B-27 targets are 23 x 35 inches (58.420 x 88.90 cm)
  • A common distance for shooting at these targets is 25 yards (22.86 meters)
  • B-27 targets can be used with a wide variety of firearms, including handguns, rifles, and shotguns

In conclusion

B-27 targets are an important tool for firearms training and qualification. By using these targets, shooters can improve their accuracy and marksmanship skills with a wide variety of firearms. Knowing the dimensions, purpose, and types of firearms that work best with B-27 targets is essential for anyone looking to improve their shooting abilities.

People also ask about B 27 Target Dimensions

What are the dimensions of a B 27 target?

The dimensions of a B 27 target typically vary depending on its specific variant. However, the most common dimensions for a B 27 target are:

  • Height: 45 inches
  • Width: 24 inches
  • Scoring area width: 12 inches

What is the scoring area size on a B 27 target?

The scoring area size on a B 27 target is usually 12 inches wide. This area is specifically designated for scoring purposes during target practice or shooting competitions.

Are there different variants of B 27 targets with varying dimensions?

Yes, there are different variants of B 27 targets available in the market, and they may have varying dimensions. While the most common dimensions mentioned earlier are widely used, it's always a good idea to check the product specifications or descriptions to ensure you're getting the desired dimensions.

What is the purpose of using B 27 targets?

B 27 targets are mainly used for firearms training, shooting practice, and competitive shooting events. They provide a standardized scoring system and a human silhouette representation, allowing shooters to improve their accuracy and precision. These targets are commonly used by law enforcement agencies, military personnel, and civilian shooters.

Can B 27 targets be used for both indoor and outdoor shooting ranges?

Yes, B 27 targets can be used for both indoor and outdoor shooting ranges. They are versatile and designed to withstand various weather conditions. However, it's important to consider the specific rules and regulations of the shooting range you plan to visit, as they may have their own target requirements.