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Roll to Your Heart's Content with Penny Boards at Target - Shop Now!

Penny Boards In Target

Discover a wide selection of Penny boards at Target. Perfect for cruising around town or learning new tricks, shop now and ride in style.

Are you looking for a unique and fun way to cruise around town? Do you want to stand out from the crowd? Look no further than Penny Boards, now available at Target!

Penny Boards have been taking the skateboarding world by storm with their compact size, retro style, and bright colors. These boards are perfect for beginners or seasoned riders looking for a new challenge.

One of the great things about Penny Boards is their portability. At just 22 inches in length, they can be easily carried in a backpack or even strapped to a bike. This means you can take your Penny Board with you wherever you go and always be ready to ride.

But don't let their small size fool you - Penny Boards are incredibly sturdy and can handle rough terrain with ease. The high-quality plastic construction and ABEC-7 bearings make for a smooth ride and easy maneuverability.

And with Target now carrying Penny Boards, it's easier than ever to get your hands on one. No need to search multiple stores or online retailers - just head to your local Target and choose from a variety of colors and designs.

Plus, with Target's competitive pricing, you can get a Penny Board for a great value. And if you have a Target REDcard, you can get an extra 5% off your purchase.

But why stop at just getting a Penny Board for yourself? These boards make great gifts for friends and family, especially those who love adventure and trying new things.

And speaking of adventure, Penny Boards are also a great way to explore your city or town. Cruise around parks or downtown areas and see sights you may have never noticed before. Plus, the compact size of the Penny Board allows you to maneuver through crowded areas with ease.

But don't take our word for it - check out the reviews from satisfied Penny Board riders. People love the fun and unique style of these boards, as well as their durability and portability.

So what are you waiting for? Head to your local Target and pick up a Penny Board today. Whether you're a seasoned rider or just looking for a new hobby, Penny Boards provide endless fun and adventure.

And with Target's variety of colors and designs, there's a Penny Board for everyone. Don't miss out on this exciting trend - grab your Penny Board now and experience the ride of your life!

If you’re thinking about getting into skateboarding, then a Penny Board is a perfect place to start. This board is small enough to carry around, yet big enough for you to master the basics of skating. The brand has been around for years and has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy producer of skateboards.

Why should you consider buying a Penny Board?

One of the primary reasons why anyone should consider buying a Penny Board is how easy they are to ride. These boards have wide, flexible decks that provide excellent stability and control over the board. Plus, they have soft wheels that absorb impact better than other boards, ensuring a smoother ride.

Another reason to consider buying a Penny Board is how they stand out in design. With their bright and vibrant colors, Penny Boards really stand out from the crowd. It’s no wonder why so many people are buying these boards as a fun and stylish way to get around town.

Why Penny boards in target

Target is one of the largest retail chains in the US, so it comes as no surprise that they are stocking Penny Boards. With their popularity skyrocketing, Target offers an extensive selection of Penny Boards in different colors and sizes. At Target, you can get a Penny Board that matches your unique style.

But what makes Target such a great place to buy Penny Boards? Well, the first reason is their affordability. Target offers some of the best deals on Penny Boards, allowing you to purchase one at an affordable price. Additionally, Target offers warranties on all their products, so you can be sure that you’re getting a quality board when you shop there.

How to Pick the Right Penny Board?

Choosing the right Penny Board can be a bit of a challenge, especially if you’re new to skating. Here are a few factors that you should consider when picking out your Penny Board:

The Size of the Board

Penny Boards come in various sizes, so it’s essential to choose one that’s appropriate for your height and weight. If you’re a tall or heavier person, then you might want to go for a larger size, which will provide you with more stability.

Your Riding Style

Think about how you plan on riding your Penny Board. Do you plan on cruising around town, or do you want to perform fancy tricks? If you want to do tricks, then you need to choose a board that’s lighter and has a smaller deck, making it easier to maneuver.

Your Budget

Lastly, consider your budget when shopping for a Penny Board. While they can be affordable, some options can still be expensive. Figure out how much you’re willing to spend on a board before going shopping to avoid overspending.


With its stylish design and ease of use, the Penny Board is an excellent choice for anyone looking to start skateboarding. Target is an excellent place to buy these boards because of their affordability and extensive selection. With careful consideration, you can pick the right Penny Board for you, ensuring hours of fun as you cruise around town.

Tips and Tricks for Choosing the Best Penny Boards at Target

Looking for a new penny board to ride around your neighborhood or campus? Then, you might want to check out Target! This popular retail store offers a wide selection of skateboards, including various models of penny boards that are perfect for cruising and commuting.To help you make the most out of your shopping experience at Target, we have compiled some tips and tricks for choosing the best penny boards. So, keep reading to find out how to score the perfect ride for your style, budget, and skill level.

Understand What Penny Boards Are and How They Work

If you are new to skateboarding, you might be wondering what penny boards are and how they differ from traditional skateboards. Essentially, penny boards are shorter, lighter, and more portable than regular skateboards, making them ideal for smaller riders or those who need to carry their boards around. Moreover, they have larger, softer wheels that provide a smooth and comfortable ride, even on rough or uneven surfaces.However, penny boards also have some limitations compared to traditional skateboards. For instance, they tend to be less stable at high speeds or when performing tricks, and they have fewer options for customizing your ride's components. Therefore, if you are looking for a board to perform advanced maneuvers or to adjust to your specific preferences, you might want to consider other options besides penny boards.

Consider Your Riding Style and Goals

Before you start browsing the penny boards at Target, it is essential to think about your riding style and goals. Do you want a board that can handle slopes and hills, or do you prefer a more relaxed and casual ride? Are you looking to learn tricks and stunts, or do you want to focus on transportation and leisure activities?Depending on your answers, you might want to choose a penny board with different features and specs. For example, if you want a versatile board that can handle various terrains, you might look for one with bigger and softer wheels, as well as wider trucks to provide more stability. Conversely, if you aim to ride smoothly and quickly along flat surfaces, you might want a board that has smaller and harder wheels, which allow for higher speeds and sharper turns.

Check the Board's Size and Weight

Another crucial factor to consider when choosing a penny board at Target is its size and weight. Penny boards typically range between 22 and 27 inches in length, and they can weigh anywhere from 3 to 6 pounds. The size and weight of your board will affect how comfortable it is to ride, how easy it is to carry around, and how much weight it can support.For instance, a shorter and lighter penny board might be more convenient for commuting or traveling, as it can fit in a backpack or bag and won't add much extra weight. However, if you are a taller or larger rider, you might prefer a longer and more robust board that can support your weight and provide a stable ride.

Inspect the Board's Components

When shopping for penny boards at Target, you should also pay attention to the board's components, such as the trucks, wheels, bearings, and deck. These parts can significantly affect how well your board performs and how comfortable it feels to ride.For example, the trucks are the metal parts that connect the wheels to the board's deck, and they come in various widths and shapes. Wider trucks offer more stability and turning power, while narrower trucks allow for tighter turns and more maneuverability. Additionally, the wheels can vary in size, hardness, and shape, affecting the board's speed, grip, and smoothness. Finally, the bearings are the small metal balls that sit inside the wheels and allow them to spin freely. High-quality bearings will make your ride smoother and faster, while cheaper bearings might make your wheels wobbly and hard to roll.

Test Ride the Board if Possible

One of the best ways to determine if a penny board is right for you is to test ride it before buying. If the Target store allows it, try to step on the board and roll around for a few minutes, feeling how it handles and how comfortable it feels to ride. This way, you can check if the board's size, weight, and components suit your preferences and skills.If you cannot test ride the board at the store, you can still ask the staff for advice and recommendations. They might have experience with the boards' performance or know how different models compare to each other. Moreover, you can read online reviews and ratings from other customers who have bought the same board, which can give you more insight into its pros and cons.

Compare Prices and Brands

Of course, one of the most critical factors in choosing a penny board at Target is its price. Depending on the brand, model, and features, penny boards can range from around $20 to over $100. While you don't always need to go for the priciest option, it's essential to compare prices and brands to get the best value for your money.Some popular penny board brands that Target carries include Penny Skateboards, Kryptonics, Quest, and ENJOI. Each of these brands has its unique style, design, and quality level, so you should research them beforehand to see which one fits your needs and budget. Additionally, you might want to wait for sales or promotions to score a better deal on the board you want.

Choose the Accessories That Fit Your Needs

Once you have chosen your penny board at Target, don't forget to gear up properly before riding. Depending on your preferences and skill level, you might want to invest in some accessories that make your ride safer, more comfortable, and more stylish.For example, you can get a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, or gloves to protect yourself from falls and injuries. You can also add grip tape to the board's deck to enhance its traction and avoid slipping. If you ride at night or low-light conditions, you can install LED lights or reflective stickers to make yourself more visible to other vehicles or pedestrians.

Learn the Basics of Penny Board Riding

Of course, having the right penny board and accessories is only half of the equation for becoming a skilled rider. You also need to learn the basics of penny board riding, such as how to balance, steer, brake, and turn.If you are new to skateboarding, you might want to take some lessons or find a mentor who can teach you the fundamentals. Alternatively, you can watch online tutorials, read books or articles, or join a skateboarding community where you can exchange tips and tricks with other riders.

Practice Consistently and Safely

Another essential tip for becoming a successful penny board rider is to practice consistently and safely. Although some people learn faster than others, most riders improve their skills gradually by practicing regularly and challenging themselves with new goals and tricks.However, make sure to practice in safe and appropriate environments, such as skate parks, bike paths, or quiet streets. Avoid riding in busy traffic, crowded sidewalks, or steep slopes if you are not confident enough in your abilities. Also, follow traffic laws and courtesy rules, such as stopping at stop signs or yielding to pedestrians.

Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride!

Finally, remember that penny board riding should be a fun and enjoyable activity that allows you to explore new places, meet new people, and express yourself creatively. Don't focus too much on being perfect or impressing others; ride at your own pace and style, and enjoy the freedom and excitement of cruising on your penny board.

Comparison of Penny Boards in Target


Penny boards have been a popular choice for skateboarders and casual riders alike. They are light, compact and easy to carry around. Target has become one of the leading retailers for these boards with a wide variety of options available. In this article, we will compare different penny boards in Target and give our opinions on them.

Penny Board Options

Target offers a variety of penny boards in terms of size, color, and design. Some of the available options include:

Option Description
22-inch Penny Board This is the classic penny board size that can accommodate riders of all skill levels. It is available in multiple colors and designs.
27-inch Nickel Board The nickel board is slightly larger than the classic penny board, making it more stable and suitable for cruising around town.
32-inch Cruiser Board This board is the largest of the three and is designed for more experienced riders who want to perform tricks or use their board for transportation.

22-inch Penny Board

The 22-inch penny board is ideal for beginners, younger children, or those who primarily use their board for cruising around. Target has numerous options for this board with various designs available, including pastel colors, neon, and even glow in the dark options. These boards typically cost around $100.

27-inch Nickel Board

The 27-inch nickel board is a slightly larger and more stable version of the penny board. Many riders prefer this option for cruising around town or commuting to school or work. Target offers different colors and designs for these boards, including floral or galaxy prints. The nickel board usually costs between $110 - $120.

32-inch Cruiser Board

The largest and most advanced of the three, the 32-inch cruiser board is designed for more experienced riders who want to perform tricks or use their board for transportation. These boards are typically made of more premium materials and have wider decks to provide better control when performing tricks. Target offers multiple options in colors and designs for this board, such as matte black or bamboo. Cruiser boards usually cost around or over $150.


The materials used in a penny board can affect its performance as well as its price. Most penny boards are made of plastic or aluminum, while some have decks made of hardwood or bamboo. The decks' quality can determine the board's durability and flex, making it important to choose wisely. A plastic deck board can be less expensive because it has less flex and quality than the more complex ones.

Wheels and Trucks

The wheels and trucks of a penny board are vital in determining the board's performance as well. Wheels are commonly made of plastic, but higher-end options come with rubber wheels that provide better traction on surfaces. As for trucks, some boards may have stronger or better-quality ones, which are crucial when performing maneuvers or adjusting turns.


In conclusion, Target offers various options for penny boards, from beginner-friendly to high-end performance. Pick the size and design that fits your needs and skill level, then take note of the materials, deck quality, and wheel/truck options included in your choice. It's a good idea to consider all these factors when purchasing a penny board at Target, whether you plan to use it for cruising, commuting, or performing tricks.

Penny Boards In Target: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to buy a Penny board from Target? Look no further, as we have compiled everything you need to know about Penny boards in Target. From the different types available to the features they offer, this guide will help you make an informed purchase decision.

The Penny board is famous for its small size, plastic construction, and various colors. They are loved by riders of all ages and experience levels, and Target is one of the best places to purchase them. Here’s why:

Target offers a wide selection of Penny boards that cater to different riding styles and preferences. Whether you are looking for a classic design or something more unique, Target has it all. They also regularly update their Penny board collection with new designs and limited edition collaborations, so there is always something new to check out.

One of the best things about purchasing a Penny board from Target is that they’re affordable. The prices range depending on the board’s specifications, but they’re perfect for anyone looking to get into skateboarding without breaking the bank. You can purchase a complete Penny board for as little as $50, making it a great option for beginners or those on a budget.

Before purchasing a Penny board from Target, it is vital to know the different types available. Here are the most popular types:

Penny Original: This is the original Penny board design and comes in a 22-inch size. It is perfect for cruising around town and performing basic tricks like ollies and kickflips.

Penny Nickel: The Penny Nickel is 27 inches long, making it a better fit for taller individuals or those looking for more stability while cruising. It also has bigger wheels, providing a smoother ride on rougher surfaces.

Penny Fade: The Penny Fade has a unique color fade design, making it stand out from other Penny boards. It’s available in both 22-inch and 27-inch sizes and offers the same features as the original Penny and Penny Nickel boards.

Penny Cruiser: This board is the most recent addition to the Penny board family, and it is designed specifically for cruising. It is wider than the Penny Original and Nickel, providing more stability and comfort during long rides.

When purchasing a Penny board from Target, you must decide whether you need a complete board or prefer to assemble one. Complete Penny boards come fully assembled and ready to ride, whereas building your own Penny board can be a fun and rewarding experience. You can purchase Penny board parts like trucks, wheels, and decks individually and customize your board to match your preferences and style.

It is essential to keep in mind that Penny boards are not suitable for all types of skating. They are designed for cruising and basic tricks, but not for high-impact tricks or vert skating. If you plan on venturing into these types of skating, it is wise to invest in a more robust skateboard that can handle high-impact landings and maneuvers.

In conclusion, purchasing a Penny board from Target is an excellent option for anyone looking to explore skateboarding without spending too much money. With a wide selection of designs and prices, you are sure to find the perfect one for your needs. Remember to keep in mind the different types available and decide whether you want a complete Penny board or prefer to build your own. Happy riding!

Thank you for reading our comprehensive guide on Penny boards in Target. We hope this article has been helpful in your purchase decision. Don’t forget to share it with fellow skateboard enthusiasts and subscribe to our newsletter for more informative articles like this one. Happy skating!

People Also Ask About Penny Boards in Target

What is a Penny Board?

A Penny board is a small, plastic skateboard that is designed for cruising and carving. They are typically 22 inches long, and are known for their unique design and bright colors.

Does Target sell Penny Boards?

Yes, Target sells Penny Boards. They offer a variety of styles and color options for both adults and children, and also have accessories available such as helmets and pads.

How much does a Penny Board cost at Target?

The cost of a Penny Board at Target can vary depending on the style and size. Prices typically range from $50 to $120, with most boards falling around the $80 to $90 mark.

Are Penny Boards good for beginners?

  • Yes, Penny Boards can be a great option for beginners due to their small size and lightweight design that makes them easy to maneuver and control.
  • However, it is important to note that they are not designed for tricks or high-impact riding such as skateboarding in a skatepark.
  • Beginners should also make sure to wear proper safety gear, such as a helmet and pads, and take time to practice and get comfortable riding before attempting more advanced maneuvers.

Can you return a Penny Board to Target?

Yes, you can return a Penny Board to Target as long as it is within their return policy window and the product is in new, unused condition with all original packaging and tags attached. Check Target's website or visit a store near you for more information on their return policy.

People Also Ask About Penny Boards In Target

1. Are penny boards available at Target?

Yes, penny boards are available for purchase at Target. Target stocks a variety of skateboards and related accessories, including penny boards. You can visit your nearest Target store or browse their online website to explore the available options.

2. What is the price range for penny boards at Target?

The price range for penny boards at Target can vary depending on factors such as brand, design, and features. Generally, you can find penny boards at Target starting from around $50 up to $150 or more. The cost may also depend on any ongoing promotions or discounts available at the time of purchase.

3. Can I find different designs and colors of penny boards at Target?

Yes, Target offers a range of designs and colors for penny boards. They strive to provide customers with a diverse selection to suit various preferences and styles. Whether you prefer a classic solid color or a vibrant pattern, you are likely to find a penny board that matches your taste at Target.

4. Are penny boards suitable for beginners?

Penny boards can be a good choice for beginners due to their compact size and maneuverability. They are designed to be lightweight and easy to handle, making them suitable for individuals who are just starting out in skateboarding. However, it's important to note that personal preference and skill level may vary, so it's always beneficial to try out different types of boards before making a final decision.

5. Can I purchase penny board accessories at Target?

Yes, Target also offers a range of penny board accessories such as helmets, protective gear, and replacement parts. It's always recommended to prioritize safety while skateboarding, so investing in protective equipment can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable riding experience. Target provides options for both penny board enthusiasts and those looking to start their skateboarding journey.

In conclusion,

Target is a convenient destination for purchasing penny boards, offering a variety of designs, colors, and accessories. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced skateboarder, Target provides options that cater to different skill levels and preferences. Remember to check the available stock and prices at your local Target store or explore their online website for a seamless shopping experience.