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DIY Archery Target: How to Make Your Own Targets for Perfect Shots Every Time

Make Your Own Archery Target

Learn how to make your own archery target at home with easy step-by-step instructions. Improve your aim and save money with this DIY project.

Are you tired of spending a fortune on traditional archery targets? Why not make your own at home? Not only will it save you money, but you can customize the size and shape to fit your shooting needs. Here's how to make your very own archery target.

First, gather your materials. You'll need foam insulation board, a saw, duct tape, and an old t-shirt or towel. You can typically find foam insulation boards at your local hardware store.

Begin by cutting the foam board into the desired size and shape for your target. Remember to consider the distance you'll be shooting from and how many arrows you plan to shoot at one time.

Next, stack the foam boards on top of each other and secure them together with duct tape. This will give your target more depth and make it more durable for repeated use.

Wrap the stacked foam boards in an old t-shirt or towel and duct tape it closed. This adds another layer of protection and will help stop the arrows from penetrating the foam.

Now that your target is assembled, it's time to start shooting! Set up your target at a safe distance on level ground. Always make sure there's a backstop behind the target in case any arrows miss the target completely.

One thing to keep in mind is that eventually, your target will wear out. When this happens, simply peel off the old t-shirt or towel and replace it with a new one. You may also need to add more duct tape to secure the foam boards as they become loose over time.

Making your own archery target is a simple and cost-effective solution for avid archers. Not only does it save you money in the long run, but it's also a fun DIY project that allows you to personalize your equipment to fit your needs.

In conclusion, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, making your own archery target is a great way to hone your skills and save money. With the right materials and a little bit of effort, you can create a target that will last for many shooting sessions to come. So why not give it a try?


Archery is a popular form of sport that requires skill and precision. The key to mastering this sport is consistency, which can only be achieved through regular practice. For archers, having an archery target at home can be convenient, but buying one can be expensive. However, making your own archery target is an affordable and straightforward solution.

Materials Needed

To make your own archery target, you will need the following:

  • Cardboard boxes
  • Newspaper or old magazines
  • Scissors or box cutter
  • A roll of duct tape
  • A permanent marker

Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps to make your own archery target:

Step 1: Cut Cardboard Boxes

Begin by cutting the cardboard boxes into six equal squares. Once you have them cut out, stack them on top of each other to form a cube.

Step 2: Trace the Target

Using the permanent marker, draw a bullseye pattern on the front of the target. You can create as many circles as possible depending on the size of your cardboard box. Ensure that you draw straight lines to keep the circles even.

Step 3: Cut out the circles

Using a pair of scissors or a box cutter, carefully cut out the circles of your bullseye pattern. Remember to keep the cuts even and straight for the circles to appear perfect.

Step 4: Fill in the Target

Once the circles are cut out, it's time to fill in the target. Crumple up newspaper or old magazines and stuff them into the target through the holes in the front. Keep doing this until the entire box is tightly packed.

Step 5: Tape the Target

Once the target is fully stuffed, use duct tape to cover up the holes and smooth out the surface. Be sure to wrap the duct tape around the edges as well, so it doesn't peel away easily when you shoot at it.

Step 6: Add More Layers

If you are looking for a more durable or larger target, you can repeat the same process for more cardboard boxes to stack on top of the first target.

Tips for Using Your Archery Target

1. Place the Target on a Safe Location

Make sure that your target is in an open space with a good backstop to ensure safe shooting practices. Avoid placing the target near any objects that could be damaged by an arrow if you miss.

2. Regularly Check the Target

In order to extend the life of your archery target, check it regularly to ensure that it is still sturdy and able to take arrows without falling apart. Rework the duct tape as needed to reinforce areas that become weak over time.

3. Improve Your Skills

Consider practicing on different areas of the target to improve your skills. Aim at different distances and spots to help you assess your progress and skill level.

4. Store Properly

When storing the target, make sure it is stored vertically in an area where it can remain dry and free from moisture to prevent mold and mildew from growing.


Making your archery target is a fun project that offers a lot of satisfaction and convenience in practicing your archery skills. It is also an affordable option compared to buying one and can be easily customizable depending on your preferences. Remember to always prioritize safety and proper handling of your archery equipment to ensure an enjoyable and safe sport.

Make Your Own Archery Target: A Comprehensive Guide


Archery is an exciting sport that requires skill, concentration, and patience. One of the essential aspects of practicing archery is using a good-quality target. While you can buy pre-made targets from stores, they can be quite expensive. Besides, making your own target is a fun and fulfilling project that can save you money while providing you with a customized target. This article will guide you on how to make your own archery target using different materials.

Materials Required

The following are the materials you will need to make your own archery target:1. Cardboard boxes2. Scissors or box cutter3. Staple gun and staples4. Newspapers5. Ruler or measuring tape6. Sawdust or rubber mulch7. Plastic sheets8. Duct tape9. Stand

Step-By-Step Guide

Follow these steps carefully to make your own archery target:1. Take four or six cardboard boxes and cut them open. Cut each box into two pieces.2. Place the cut boxes in layers, one on top of the other, making sure they align correctly.3. Staple the boxes together to ensure they stay in place.4. Use a ruler to measure a 20 by 20-inch square on the top layer of the box.5. Cut out the square using scissors or a box cutter.6. Fill the cavity with newspapers until it is tight. 7. Using a funnel, pour sawdust or rubber mulch into the cavity until its full.8. Close the cavity by cutting a plastic sheet and taping it onto the opening. Ensure the plastic is tightly taped to prevent the filling from spilling.9. Wrap the box with duct tape and ensure it covers all the edges and corners.10. Finally, place the target on a stand or hang it on a tree.

Additional Tips

1. If you can’t find sawdust or rubber mulch, you can use plastic bags or shredded papers as filler.2. To maintain the target's shape and effectiveness, make sure to replace the filling once it starts to wear out.3. You can customize the target's shape and size to your preference, but ensure it meets standard archery guidelines.4. For safety purposes, place the target in an area free from people and houses.


Making your own archery target is an excellent way to enjoy the sport while saving money. The process is relatively simple and requires readily available materials. When constructing your target, keep in mind the tips mentioned above to ensure it is safe and effective for practicing archery. Happy shooting!

Comparison of Make Your Own Archery Targets


Archery is a fascinating sport that requires concentration, accuracy, and consistency. It is a thrilling experience to hit a target accurately, but the key to achieving that is by having an excellent target. Archers can purchase ready-made targets; however, it is also possible to create homemade ones. This article gives a comparison between the two types of targets.


One of the primary factors that distinguish these two types of targets is the cost. Purchasing a ready-made archery target can range from 50 to 300 dollars depending on the size and quality. Although that may seem affordable, if an archery enthusiast needs multiple targets for practice, it can add up. On the other hand, making your archery target can cost as little as 5 dollars, depending on the materials used. For someone seeking a cost-effective way of getting a target, then making one is the best option.


The quality of a target is what makes it effective. A ready-made target is produced with high-quality materials and has been precisely measured to meet industry standards. These targets are constructed for durability and endurance, which can last for years. However, the same cannot be said for homemade targets. Although they may save you money, quality may be compromised as they are not made to industry standards and can wear out quickly.


Ready-made targets are designed in specific sizes and shapes that can suit various skill levels. Small targets are best suited for beginners while medium-sized ones are meant for intermediate archers. Large targets, on the other hand, provide a challenge for seasoned archers. Creating your target gives you the freedom to customize the size and shape according to personal preferences. That way, one can make targets for different levels of difficulty, which can be advantageous.


Ready-made targets are designed for portability and convenience. They are lightweight and user-friendly, making it effortless to set up or move to different locations. This makes them a perfect fit for people who attend archery courses or competitions. Homemade targets, however, are usually cumbersome and bulky, making them challenging to transport from place to place.


The effectiveness of a target is measured in its ability to hold arrows firmly and minimize the damage caused by them. Ready-made targets are tested and proven to be effective in trapping arrows efficiently. They provide a solid surface that minimizes damage and allows easy arrow removal. Homemade targets may not provide the required density to hold the arrows, leading to frequent repairs, which can affect their effectiveness.


The safety of an archer during practicing is essential. Ready-made targets have passed safety tests and are designed to keep arrows inside the target area. They offer better safety and minimize the risk of arrows missing the target. Homemade targets require proper handling and are more likely to allow escaping arrows if not designed appropriately, posing a danger to people and objects nearby.


Ready-made targets come with predefined features such as multi-layered foam and target face to allow the archer to practice at different distances. These targets provide consistency and accuracy to any skill level. Homemade targets lack such features, making them rigid and limiting the flexibility needed when practicing.

Funneling Ability

Funneling ability refers to the arrows' ability to group together in the center of the target with minimal scattering. Ready-made targets have flattened and compressed layers that cause arrows to group together. However, homemade targets may not have this characteristic, which can hinder the archer's success in hitting the bullseye.


The longevity of a target depends on its makeup and construction. Ready-made targets may last several years if handled correctly. Homemade targets, on the other hand, are made of materials like straw and hay that are not as durable. They tend to wear out and require regular maintenance, significantly reducing their lifespan.


In conclusion, both homemade and ready-made archery targets have their advantages and disadvantages. For anyone who practices archery frequently, purchasing a ready-made target may provide longevity, safety, flexibility, and overall effectiveness. However, for those who want to save money or customize their targets' size and shape, making your archery target is a practical and suitable option. It would be best to consider the intended use before choosing between the two types of targets and prioritizing safety over costs.

Make Your Own Archery Target

When it comes to archery, one of the most important things that you need is a target. A good target will help you to improve your aim and accuracy over time. However, buying a target can be expensive, especially if you're just getting started with the sport.

The good news is that it's actually quite easy to make your own archery target. Not only will this save you money, but it will also give you the opportunity to customize your target to suit your needs. In this article, we'll take you through the steps required to make your very own archery target.

Materials Required

To get started, you will need the following materials:

  • Cardboard boxes
  • Packing paper or newspaper
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors or a utility knife
  • Hacksaw (optional)
  • Ruler or measuring tape

Step 1: Gathering the Cardboard Boxes

Your first task is to gather some cardboard boxes. You can use any type of box as long as it's big enough to hold a decent amount of packing material. Try to get boxes that are still in good condition and don't have any holes in them.

Step 2: Preparing the Boxes

Take the boxes and start breaking them down so that they lay flat. Make sure to remove any tape or staples from the boxes, since these can damage your arrows. You should end up with several large pieces of cardboard that you can work with.

Step 3: Cutting the Pieces

Take one of the large cardboard pieces and measure out a 2-foot square. Cut the square out using your scissors or utility knife. Repeat this process until you have cut out several 2-foot squares.

Step 4: Folding the Squares

Take one of the cardboard squares and fold it in half. Then, fold it in half again so that you end up with a compact, four-layer square. Use your duct tape to secure the edges and prevent the layers from separating. Repeat this process until you have several folded cardboard squares.

Step 5: Creating the Layers

Take some packing paper or newspaper and crumple it up into balls. Fill each folded cardboard square with these balls until it's completely full. Make sure to pack the paper tightly so that it provides plenty of resistance when you shoot at the target.

Step 6: Assembling the Target

Once you have created enough layers, stack them on top of each other to form your archery target. You can assemble the pieces by using duct tape to hold them together. If necessary, use a hacksaw to cut the layers to make them fit properly.

Step 7: Testing the Target

Once you've assembled your target, it's time to test it out. Move back to a suitable shooting distance and fire a few arrows at the target. Check to see whether the arrows penetrate through the layers enough so that they do not fall out without force.

Step 8: Customizing Your Target

One of the advantages of making your own target is the ability to customize it to suit your needs. For example, you might want to add some bright colors to make it easier to see your aim points. You can also adjust the size and shape of the target to make it more challenging or more specific to your shooting game.

In conclusion...

Now that you know how easy it is to make your own archery target, you're ready to start practicing your aim and accuracy. Making your own target will not only save you money but will give you the satisfaction of knowing that you made it yourself! Happy archery practices!

We hope this article has been helpful. If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts on making your own archery target, please feel free to leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

People Also Ask About Make Your Own Archery Target

What materials do I need to make my own archery target?

To make your own archery target, you will need the following materials:

  • Cardboard or foam board
  • Target face
  • Burlap or old carpet
  • Zip ties or string
  • Scissors or utility knife
  • Ruler or measuring tape
  • Pen or marker

How do I construct my own archery target?

Follow these steps to construct your own archery target:

  1. Measure and cut cardboard or foam board into desired size.
  2. Trace and draw target face onto cardboard or foam board.
  3. Cut out target face with scissors or utility knife.
  4. Cut burlap or old carpet into strips to wrap around target.
  5. Wrap burlap or carpet tightly around the target and secure with zip ties or string.

What type of target face should I use?

The type of target face you use depends on your preference. You can purchase pre-made target faces or create your own with paper or cardboard. Just make sure it is the appropriate size for your target and has clear markings for scoring.

Can I use my homemade archery target for competitions?

No, it is not recommended to use homemade archery targets for competitions. Official competitions require strict regulations and standards for targets to ensure fair play. It is best to use approved and certified targets for competitions.

People Also Ask About Make Your Own Archery Target

1. How can I make my own archery target at home?

If you want to make your own archery target at home, here is a simple method you can follow:

  • Materials needed: old carpet, foam boards, plywood, bungee cords, and duct tape.
  • Start by cutting the foam boards into squares or rectangles of your desired size.
  • Arrange the foam boards on top of the plywood, stacking them to create a layered effect.
  • Secure the foam boards together using bungee cords or strong rope.
  • Wrap the entire target with an old carpet, making sure to cover all the foam boards.
  • Use duct tape to secure the carpet tightly around the target.
  • Your DIY archery target is now ready to use! Simply set it up at a safe distance and start shooting.

2. What materials are best for making an archery target?

There are several materials that work well for making an archery target:

  • Layered foam: Foam blocks or sheets stacked together provide a dense and durable target surface.
  • Straw bales: Bundles of straw tightly packed together offer a traditional and effective target option.
  • Old carpet: Thick and heavy carpets can be wrapped around a target frame, providing a suitable surface for arrows to penetrate.
  • Hay or grass bundles: Similar to straw bales, bundles of hay or tightly packed grass can serve as an inexpensive and eco-friendly target.

3. How long does a homemade archery target last?

The lifespan of a homemade archery target depends on various factors, such as the materials used and the frequency of use. Generally, a well-constructed target made from durable materials can last several months to a few years. However, it is important to regularly inspect your target for wear and tear, replacing or repairing any damaged parts to ensure its longevity.

4. Can I use a DIY archery target for high-speed bows?

While a DIY archery target can work well for most bows, including high-speed ones, it is crucial to consider the target's stopping power. Ensure that the materials used in your homemade target are capable of stopping arrows shot from high-speed bows without causing excessive damage or pass-through. Layered foam targets or tightly packed straw bales tend to be more effective in stopping arrows from high-speed bows.

5. Are there any safety precautions I should take when using a homemade archery target?

Yes, it is essential to prioritize safety when using a homemade archery target:

  • Always set up your target in a safe and controlled environment, away from people, pets, and valuable objects.
  • Ensure you have a sufficient and clear shooting range behind the target, considering the potential flight path of arrows.
  • Regularly inspect the target for any signs of damage or deterioration that may affect its stopping power.
  • Use appropriate arrows suitable for your bow and target to minimize the risk of arrow breakage or ricochet.
  • Wear proper protective gear, such as arm guards and finger tabs, to prevent injuries during shooting.