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Cabinet Man Lyrics: Groove to the Catchy Beats and Quirky Lyrics of Lemon Demon's Latest Release

Cabinet Man Lyrics

The lyrics of Cabinet Man tell a dark yet captivating story of a man trapped inside a cabinet, reflecting on his lonely existence.

If you are looking for an upbeat and catchy tune to lift your spirits, then look no further than Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon. This song has gained a cult following for its quirky lyrics and infectious melody, but what is it about this track that has captured the hearts of so many fans?

At its core, Cabinet Man is a tribute to the joy of creativity. The lyrics tell the story of a man who builds a cabinet that comes to life, and the ensuing chaos that ensues as he tries to control his creation. It's a whimsical premise that is brought to life through peppy synthesizers and retro-inspired beats. But there's more to this song than just its surface-level appeal.

One reason that Cabinet Man has resonated with so many listeners is its relatable themes. Who hasn't had a creative project get out of control, or felt overwhelmed by the demands of the world around them? The lyrics capture this feeling perfectly, with lines like My little wooden friend, he built me up and he tore me down again speaking to the highs and lows of the creative process.

But beyond its relatability, Cabinet Man is simply a fun song to listen to. The upbeat tempo and playful instrumentation make it impossible not to tap your toes and sing along. And with a chorus that consists solely of the words cabinet man, it's easy to get lost in the bouncy energy of the track.

Of course, part of the appeal of Cabinet Man is its irreverent sense of humor. Lines like I thought I'd go insane, 'til I built him a brain and now he's my best friend are both absurd and strangely charming. It's a song that doesn't take itself too seriously, but still manages to deliver a deeper message about the importance of keeping our creative fires burning.

So if you're in need of a pick-me-up, or just want to dance around your room for a few minutes, give Cabinet Man a listen. It's a song that reminds us all to embrace our wildest ideas and keep dreaming big, no matter how crazy they may seem.

Cabinet Man Lyrics: A Journey through a Mysterious Love Story

With intricately woven storytelling, Lemon Demon's Cabinet Man tells the tale of a man who loves cabinets; an absurd topic that sounds nothing like a love song, but the lyrics paint a picture of an intriguing love story gone awry. The song may appear cryptic at first, but it carries a deep meaning that makes it stand out from the typical pop songs on the Billboard charts.

The Story of a Mysterious Lover

The song introduces us to the protagonist, a man who is in love with cabinets more than anything else in the world. He spends his time fixing, polishing, and admiring cabinets. However, he is not content with just making cabinets his passion; he aspires to create one of the most magnificent cabinets of all time, imbued with the finest craftsmanship and aesthetics.

As his obsession grows, he begins to feel the emotional weight of his love. He desires a partner to share his passion with, and so he fashions for himself a living doll, a partner with whom he can assemble his masterpiece cabinet. The doll is a cabinet with arms and legs - a strange concept that only adds to the song's mystery.

An Unresolved Love Story

The song's chorus describes the protagonist's dream of finishing his cabinet with his doll, but there's a catch - the doll is non-responsive. She doesn't express her love or give any emotional feedback to the cabinet man. Occasionally, she even falls apart, leaving the protagonist with the challenge of fixing her up to work toward completing the cabinet.

The protagonist's love for the doll-cabinet is unwavering, but his frustrations mount, making him question their relationship's sustainability. Eventually, the cabinet man realizes that he cannot sustain a meaningful relationship with something that doesn't reciprocate his love and decides to toss it to the side, and move on.

Interpreting Cabinet Man's Lyrics

Cabinet Man's lyrics are an excellent representation of a love story that doesn't always have a happily-ever-after ending. The protagonist's love for cabinets might seem bizarre, but it portrays a person whose willingness to express their passion openly overshadows what is deemed 'normal' or 'acceptable' in society. Nonetheless, the central message echoes deeper themes of love, determination, loss, abandonment, and triumph over one's obsessions - characteristics that anyone can relate to.

The song's popularity has seen it feature in different media, social media platforms, and even Tiktoks. Many dedicated Lemon Demon fans theorize that the song's beauty lies in its cryptic lyrics and unimaginable object of affection. Some see it as an ill-fated love story, while others interpret it as a cautionary tale about obsession.

The Takeaway

Cabinet Man lyrics are an excellent representation of what it means to be human. The song beautifully captures the essence of love, passion, betrayal, and heartbreak. It's a testament to how love can be a double-edged sword that can lead to sweet success or bitter disappointments.

Listening to Cabinet Man provides us with a glimpse into a world beyond our comprehension and shows us that love defies all boundaries, even those we set ourselves.

So, the next time you come across this song, sit, listen, and let the music transport you to a world of love, mystery, and heartache.

Tips and Tutorial to Decode Cabinet Man Lyrics by Lemon Demon


Lemon Demon, a project by Neil Cicierega, has gained a cult following since its inception. Cabinet Man, one of his more popular songs from the Spirit Phone album, enjoys its fair share of popularity among fans. However, deciphering the lyrics of this song can be quite a challenge for most listeners. Fear not, as we are here to provide you with a tutorial on how to decode the song's enigmatic lyrics.

Understanding the Storyline

To understand Cabinet Man's lyrics, one must first grasp the concept behind the storyline. The song narrates the tale of a man who has trapped his consciousness inside a cabinet after an attempted suicide. The man becomes a prisoner in his own mind, and the mysterious forces prevent him from escaping. The song describes the horrors that he encounters and the eerie atmosphere he is stuck in.

Interpreting the Lyrics

The lyrics of Cabinet Man are full of allusions and metaphors that are open to interpretation. The song starts with an upbeat melody and lyrics that seem harmless. But as the song progresses, the lyrics start depicting a more distressing situation. The lines, can't escape the cabinet, waiting for the end reveal the man's helplessness.

The Cabinet

The cabinet mentioned in the song refers to the man's mind where he has been trapped by his consciousness. The cabinet acts as a prison, and the man screams, Let me out of the cabinet; I'm feeling claustrophobic. This is the only way he could get out of the trap, but the mysterious forces won't allow it.

The Puppets

The next intriguing part of the song is the mention of puppets who appear suddenly, and the man can't fathom whether it's real or illusion. The puppets represent the unknown element that makes the man's ordeal worse than it already is.

The Secretary

The deep voice saying I'm your secretary puts an eerie vibe on the song, indicating a darker underlying plan. It could allude to some dark conspiracy surrounding the man.

The Chorus

The lyrics of the chorus are catchy, but they mask the deeper meaning that gives context to the man's psyche. The line Cabinet man, oh, where are you coming from? shows how helpless the man feels, as he has no control over his consciousness. The subsequent line Can we get you something to drink? shows how the antagonistic forces are having fun playing with the man's mind.


In conclusion, Cabinet Man's enigmatic lyrics become easier to decode as you understand the context behind them. The metaphors, allusions, and symbolism in the lyrics add layer upon layer of meaning, which helps in understanding the story better. The song's repetitive melody, mixed with haunting lyrics, makes it memorable and a fan favorite. We hope this tutorial helped you understand the lyrics of Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon and peaked your curiosity towards other songs on the Spirit Phone album.

Comparison of Two Cabinet Man Lyrics Versions


Cabinet Man is a popular song by Scott Benson and Danny Baranowsky. The song originally appeared in the game Night in the Woods, and it quickly gained popularity for its upbeat tone and unique lyrics. However, over time, fans of the song have noticed that there are multiple versions of the lyrics online. In this article, we will compare and contrast two different versions of the Cabinet Man lyrics and offer our opinions on which one is better.

Version One: Original Lyrics

The first version of the Cabinet Man lyrics is the original set of lyrics that were included in the game Night in the Woods. These lyrics are characterized by their whimsical tone and frequent use of puns and wordplay. Some of the standout lines from these lyrics include:

Take a little time to wipe your mind free

This line is typical of the clever wordplay that characterizes the original Cabinet Man lyrics. The phrase wipe your mind free is an inventive way of saying clear your head.

I'm not afraid of you, Chair

This line is particularly memorable because it sets up the bizarre premise of the song. The idea that the protagonist is having a conversation with a piece of furniture is delightfully absurd.

Take apart your cabinet, and I'll set you free

This line is the central conceit of the song - that the protagonist can only escape from the chair's grasp by dismantling it. It's a strange and memorable image.

Version Two: Alternate Lyrics

The second version of the Cabinet Man lyrics is an alternate set of lyrics that has surfaced online. These lyrics are generally more straightforward and less reliant on wordplay. Some of the standout lines from these lyrics include:

There's a cabinet man living in my mind

This line is similar to the original version, but it's phrased differently. The use of the phrase living in my mind is more straightforward than rearranged my insides.

Just take apart your cabinet, and you'll be released

This line is a simplified version of the original. It's less creative, but it's easier to understand.

I used to fear you, but now I'm not perturbed

This line is interesting because it uses a more formal vocabulary than the original. The phrase not perturbed is a more sophisticated way of saying not afraid.

Comparison Table

Lyrics Element Original Lyrics Alternate Lyrics
Tone Whimsical Straightforward
Wordplay Abundant Rare
Clarity Occasionally ambiguous Straightforward
Vocabulary Casual Formal

Our Opinion

While both versions of the Cabinet Man lyrics are enjoyable in their own ways, we prefer the original lyrics. The wordplay and whimsical tone of the original are what make the song so memorable and unique. Without these elements, the song would lose much of its charm.

What do you think? Which version of the Cabinet Man lyrics do you prefer?


Cabinet Man is a catchy and fun song that has captured the imaginations of many. The two different sets of lyrics offer two distinct interpretations of the song's message, and both have their merits. Ultimately, it's up to each listener to decide which version they prefer.

Analysis of Cabinet Man Lyrics

Welcome to our blog post today. In this article, we will be taking you through an in-depth analysis of the song ‘Cabinet Man’ by Lemon Demon. ‘Cabinet Man’ is a track from Neil Cicierega's 2016 album Spirit Phone. This song has become popular due to its upbeat tune, catchy lyrics, and exciting visuals in its accompanying music video. The lyrics of ‘Cabinet Man’ are open to interpretation and have a deep meaning beyond just a mere love story. Let’s dive right into it.

In the first stanza, the song paints the picture of a man who is isolated socially and emotionally. He doesn’t step out of his cabinet much, and he perceives the world outside as relentless and harsh. He is searching for love but too afraid to go out and find it. The lyric, “you don’t belong to me, my sad machine,” gives the listener that impression of loneliness and longing. Meanwhile, “I’ll make you better sweetener eater” represents his plan towards finding company and happiness among the other machines.

The second stanza starts with the line “Oh no, here comes the cabinet man.” Cabinet Man can be interpreted as changing someone's circumstances or even fate – giving people new life. The songwriter implies that the main character is so determined to stay in a lonely and isolated mental space that he needs some kind of feeling-changing event to change his mindset and help him finally find happiness.

As the song progresses, it becomes clear that Cabinet Man can be seen as a metaphor for something that can either be amazing or tragic. The lyrics reflect on how unclear who or what the Cabinet Man is and how he will impact the main character’s life. The lyrics “Does it really work like that? Are you only brave behind your helmet?” suggests this machinery attire that is worn when “working” with Cabinet Man as some protective force. Cabinet Man could, therefore, be interpreted as transforming people’s fates while making them feel safe in the process.

The chorus of the song makes it clear how the main character of the song sees everyone around him as if they were machines; he cannot make any meaningful connections. When confronted with these complications or obstacles, the man turns to the Cabinet Man to help him overcome his difficulties and offer hope for a brighter future.

The third stanza begins with the line they were young and full of life,” indicating the man's longing for the time when he too was young and happy. However, that no longer stands true — he has become isolated from society and spends his time alone in his cabinet, deciding his fate with the Cabinet Man. The lyrics imply that Cabinet Man can either be viewed as a way out or given on to a depressing lifestyle, depending on the perspective taken.

The final stanza of the song has a catchy and upbeat tune that gets the listener moving. The sudden change can be viewed as an awaking moment for the main character. He realizes that he needs to leave his cabinet and experience the world. The lyrics suggest that if one takes a chance, good things may happen. They may find happiness, love, and companionship- represented by the lyric, “I’ll take a chance on you, and you will take a chance on me. The conclusion is an uplifting moment where the possibility of the future is painted with great potential, but only if one is willing to take that first step towards the unknown.

In conclusion, Cabinet Man has a profound meaning beyond just a mere love story. The song speaks to the human experience of loneliness and longing for companionship and happiness. The Cabinet Man represents that unknown factor in our life that can either make us better or worse off, depending on the perspective we choose to view it from. However, if we take the chance to leave our comfort zones and open ourselves up to new experiences and possibilities, the future can be full of great potential.

We hope that this article has helped you understand the depth behind the lyrics of ‘Cabinet Man.’ We’d love to know your thoughts on the interpretation of the song. So, leave a comment below and let us know what you think!

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All About The Music

People Also Ask About Cabinet Man Lyrics

What is the meaning behind the song Cabinet Man?

The meaning behind the song Cabinet Man is open to interpretation. However, some speculate that it is about a man who creates furniture from scratch and becomes increasingly obsessed with his craft, eventually becoming more machine than man.

Who wrote Cabinet Man lyrics?

The lyrics of Cabinet Man were written by Jack Stauber, a musician and visual artist known for his quirky and offbeat style.

What genre is Cabinet Man?

Cabinet Man is a song that can be classified as synth-pop or experimental pop, which are genres that combine elements of pop music with electronic instrumentation and experimental soundscapes.

What is the significance of the line I keep my knives sharp?

The line I keep my knives sharp is a reference to the precision and attention to detail required to create high-quality furniture. It also alludes to the idea that the Cabinet Man has become more machine-like in his obsession with his craft, similar to how a machine must be well-maintained in order to function at its best.

Is there a music video for Cabinet Man?

Yes, there is a music video for Cabinet Man that was created by Jack Stauber himself. The video features surreal visuals that capture the eerie and otherworldly vibe of the song.

What other songs has Jack Stauber released?

Jack Stauber has released several albums and EPs, including Pop Food, HiLo, and Finite Form. Some of his other popular songs include Buttercup, Dead Weight, and Oh Klahoma.

People Also Ask About Cabinet Man Lyrics

1. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of Cabinet Man?

The lyrics of Cabinet Man tell the story of a man who spends most of his time locked inside a cabinet, where he finds solace and escapes from reality. The song explores themes of isolation, loneliness, and the desire for a simple existence. It can be interpreted as a metaphor for someone who feels trapped in their own mind or circumstances.

2. Who wrote the lyrics for Cabinet Man?

Cabinet Man was written by Neil Cicierega, an American musician, comedian, and internet artist. He is known for his unique and often eccentric style of music, blending various genres and creating unconventional narratives in his songs.

3. What genre does Cabinet Man belong to?

Cabinet Man belongs to the genre of indie pop or alternative pop. It incorporates elements of electronic music, with catchy melodies and playful synth arrangements that complement the whimsical lyrics.

4. Are there any hidden meanings in the lyrics?

While the lyrics of Cabinet Man may seem straightforward, there are often hidden meanings that can be subject to interpretation. Some listeners speculate that the cabinet symbolizes a form of escapism or a refuge from the complexities of the outside world. Others see deeper metaphors related to mental health and the struggle to find one's place in society.

5. What is the overall tone of Cabinet Man?

The overall tone of Cabinet Man can be described as quirky, nostalgic, and slightly melancholic. The upbeat melody contrasts with the introspective lyrics, creating a sense of bittersweetness. The song evokes a feeling of longing and reflection, while still maintaining an element of whimsy and playfulness.

6. Are there any official music videos for Cabinet Man?

Yes, there is an official music video for Cabinet Man created by Neil Cicierega himself. It features a combination of animated and live-action footage, further enhancing the surreal and imaginative nature of the song.

7. What other songs are similar to Cabinet Man?

If you enjoy the unique style of Cabinet Man, you might also appreciate other songs by Neil Cicierega, such as Bustin', Wow Wow, or Mouth Sounds. These songs share a similar blend of catchy melodies, quirky lyrics, and unconventional musical arrangements.

Overall, the lyrics of Cabinet Man offer a thought-provoking exploration of escapism, loneliness, and the desire for simplicity. The song's whimsical tone and catchy melodies make it an enjoyable and memorable experience for listeners.