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Cabinet Maker Salary: How Much Can You Expect to Earn in the Woodworking Industry?

Cabinet Maker Salary

Looking to become a cabinet maker? Find out average cabinet maker salary, job prospects, and skills required in this rewarding trade.

Have you ever considered becoming a cabinet maker? If so, you're probably eager to learn more about the salary potential in this profession. After all, everyone wants to earn a good living doing work that they love. Here's what you need to know about cabinet maker salaries:

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for cabinet makers is $35,100. However, this number can vary significantly based on a number of factors.

First of all, experience plays a big role in determining how much a cabinet maker can earn. Those who are just starting out in the field may only make around $23,000 per year, while those with several years of experience can earn upwards of $50,000 per year.

Another factor that can impact cabinet maker salaries is geographic location. In areas where there is high demand for skilled craftsmen, wages tend to be higher. For example, cabinet makers in California and New York tend to earn more than those in rural areas.

The materials that a cabinet maker works with can also influence their earnings. Those who specialize in high-end, luxury materials can command higher wages than those who work primarily with basic materials.

If you're considering a career as a cabinet maker, it's important to note that this profession requires a lot of skill and attention to detail. Cabinet makers must be able to read blueprints, use precision tools, and work with a variety of materials. It's not a job for those who want to simply go through the motions.

However, for those who have a passion for woodworking and enjoy working with their hands, cabinet making can be a satisfying and financially rewarding profession. With the right training and experience, cabinet makers can earn a comfortable living doing work that they love.

So, how do you get started as a cabinet maker? One option is to pursue an apprenticeship with a skilled craftsman. This will give you hands-on training and experience, and can lead to job opportunities in the future.

You can also look into woodworking programs at technical schools or community colleges. These programs provide classroom instruction as well as hands-on experience, and can help you build the skills you need to become a successful cabinet maker.

If you're already working as a cabinet maker and want to increase your earning potential, consider specializing in a certain area of the field. For example, you could focus on creating custom furniture pieces or working exclusively with high-end materials.

Ultimately, the key to earning a good salary as a cabinet maker is to hone your skills, build your experience, and seek out opportunities in areas where demand is high. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve success in this exciting and rewarding profession.

In conclusion, cabinet making can be a lucrative and fulfilling career choice for those with a passion for woodworking. By developing your skills, seeking out opportunities, and staying up to date on industry trends, you can achieve success and earn a comfortable living doing work that you love.


If you're someone who loves creating beautiful and functional furniture, then becoming a cabinet maker could be your thing. Cabinet making is a craft that involves designing, building, and installing customized wooden structures, such as cabinets, cupboards, drawers, and shelves. And while it can be an incredibly fulfilling profession, many people wonder just how much they can make as a cabinet maker. The answer isn't so straightforward.

What does a Cabinet Maker do?

A cabinet maker could branch off into specific sub-disciplines like kitchen cabinets, wardrobes, desks, bookcases and more. A cabinet maker is primarily responsible for cutting, shaping, fitting and finishing wooden parts to the specifications of their clients. They utilize a variety of tools and machinery from traditional table saws and drill presses to high-tech computer-controlled routers.

Factors that influence Cabinet Maker salary

The salary of a cabinet maker may depend on several factors, the most obvious being experience and skill level. Many people in this profession choose to specialize in one or two specific areas of expertise while others complete apprenticeships or vocational training programs in order to gain the skills necessary to become a professional cabinet maker.

Other factors that can influence a cabinet maker's salary include:

  • Geographic Location: Salaries for cabinet makers can vary widely depending on where they live and work. For example, cabinet makers in metropolitan cities may earn higher salaries than those in rural areas because the demand for their services is typically higher in larger urban centers.
  • Type of Employer: Cabinet makers who work for themselves may have more control over their salaries than those who work for companies. However, self-employed workers must also be willing to take on additional responsibilities such as marketing and accounting which can affect their potential earnings.
  • Type of Project: The complexity and size of a cabinet maker's project can also have an impact on their salary. Customized pieces often require more time and skill to produce and may result in higher fees whereas, cabinet makers who specialize in mass-produced goods may receive lower pay but more consistent work.

Salary Range for Cabinet Makers

While salaries can vary widely for cabinet makers depending on the factors mentioned above, some industry data is available. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), cabinetmakers and bench carpenters earn a median annual salary of $36,590 or approximately $17.60 per hour as of May 2020. The lowest paid cabinet makers earned less than $23,580 per year while the highest earners make around $62,720 per year.


As with most occupations, cabinet makers' salaries can be influenced by various factors ranging from their experience and skill level to the type and location of their work. However, many cabinet makers find the profession fulfilling whether they are working for themselves or for a larger company. So if you're passionate about woodworking and creating beautiful functional cabinetry, then a career in cabinet making could be a rewarding path to explore.

Cabinet Maker Salary

Are you planning to pursue a career in cabinet making? Then, you might be curious about the potential salary that you can earn in this field. In this article, we will discuss the cabinet maker salary, including the factors that determine it, the average pay scale, and the skills needed to become a successful cabinet maker.

Factors that Determine Cabinet Maker Salary

Before we dive into the actual numbers, let's first explore the different factors that can affect a cabinet maker's salary. The following are some of the most notable determinants:

1. Experience: As with any profession, experience plays a crucial role in a cabinet maker's salary. Most entry-level cabinet makers usually start at the lower end of the pay scale, while those who have been in the industry for several years tend to earn more.

2. Education: While it is not necessarily a requirement to have formal education to become a cabinet maker, those who have undergone relevant training or apprenticeship programs may have an edge over others when it comes to compensation.

3. Location: The geographic location of the job can also impact a cabinet maker's salary. Cabinet makers who work in urban areas or high-end markets tend to earn more than those in rural or low-cost regions.

4. Employer: The type of employer can also affect a cabinet maker's salary. Cabinet makers who work for large furniture manufacturing companies or high-end custom cabinetry firms are likely to receive higher pay than those who work for small-scale enterprises.

Average Cabinet Maker Pay Scale

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), as of May 2020, the median annual wage for cabinetmakers and bench carpenters was $38,820. This means that half of all cabinet makers earn more than this amount, while the other half earn less. The lowest 10 percent of cabinet makers earn less than $24,420 per year, while the highest 10 percent earn more than $62,440 annually. It is worth noting that these figures may vary based on the factors mentioned earlier. For instance, cabinet makers who work in metropolitan areas or for high-end companies may earn more than the median wage.

Skills Needed to Become a Successful Cabinet Maker

While earning a decent salary as a cabinet maker is important, it is equally essential to acquire the skills and expertise needed to excel in the field. Here are some of the most crucial skills that cabinet makers must possess:

1. Knowledge of woodworking tools and equipment.

2. Ability to read and interpret blueprints and technical drawings.

3. Attention to detail and precision in measurements and cutting.

4. Creativity and problem-solving skills to design custom cabinets.

5. Physical dexterity and stamina to work with heavy machinery and materials.

6. Time management skills to meet deadlines without compromising quality.

7. Communication skills to collaborate with clients, designers, and other professionals.

Career Growth Opportunities for Cabinet Makers

Beyond the basic cabinet maker position, there are many career growth opportunities available for those who want to advance their careers. One possible path is to become a supervisor or manager, overseeing a team of cabinet makers. Another option is to specialize in a particular aspect of cabinet making, such as finishing or installation. Some cabinet makers also become self-employed and start their own businesses.


Being a cabinet maker can be a fulfilling career, both in terms of compensation and job satisfaction. Understanding the factors that impact cabinet maker salary, as well as the necessary skills and career growth opportunities, can help individuals make informed decisions about pursuing this profession. With dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence, cabinet makers can not only earn a decent living but also create beautiful and functional pieces of furniture that last a lifetime.

Comparing Cabinet Maker Salaries: How Much Do They Really Earn?


Cabinet makers are skilled professionals who create beautiful and functional cabinetry for homes and businesses. They work with a variety of materials, including wood, laminate, and metal, to build custom cabinets that fit a specific space and meet the needs of their clients. But how much do they really earn? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the average salary of cabinet makers and compare it to other similar professions.

What is a Cabinet Maker?

Before we dive into salaries, it's important to understand what a cabinet maker does. A cabinet maker is someone who designs, builds, and installs custom cabinetry for residential and commercial purposes. They may work in a factory or workshop, or they may be self-employed and work out of their own garage or studio. Cabinet makers use a variety of tools and equipment to measure, cut, and assemble wood or other materials into cabinets that fit specific spaces and match the style and functionality desired by their clients.

Cabinet Maker Salary Overview

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for cabinet makers in the United States as of May 2020 was $36,610. This means that half of all cabinet makers earned more than this amount, while the other half earned less. The lowest 10 percent of earners made less than $24,800 per year, while the top 10 percent earned more than $59,200.

Table 1: Median Annual Salary Comparison for Cabinet Makers and Similar Professions

|Profession|Median Annual Salary||--------|--------------||Cabinet Maker|$36,610||Carpenter|$49,520||Construction Laborer|$38,970||Woodworker|$31,590||Architect|$80,750|

Cabinet Makers vs Carpenters

Carpenters are another group of professionals who work with wood and other materials to build structures and create custom features. While cabinet makers specifically focus on cabinetry and furniture, carpenters may work on a wider range of projects, such as framing houses, building decks, and installing trim. According to the BLS, the median annual salary for carpenters in May 2020 was $49,520, significantly higher than that of cabinet makers.

Cabinet Makers vs Construction Laborers

Construction laborers are responsible for assisting with building projects, performing tasks such as digging trenches, mixing concrete, and carrying materials. While these jobs are less specialized than cabinet making, they do require physical strength and the ability to work well in a team environment. The median annual salary for construction laborers in May 2020 was $38,970, slightly higher than that of cabinet makers.

Cabinet Makers vs Woodworkers

Woodworkers are another group of professionals who work with wood to create custom features and products. This may include building furniture, crafts, and art pieces. While cabinet makers specifically focus on cabinetry, their skills and techniques overlap with those of woodworkers. According to the BLS, the median annual salary for woodworkers in May 2020 was $31,590, significantly lower than that of cabinet makers.

Cabinet Makers vs Architects

While architects don't typically work hands-on with wood and other materials, they do design buildings and structures that may require custom cabinetry and other features. Architects often work closely with cabinet makers and other skilled tradespeople to bring their designs to life. According to the BLS, the median annual salary for architects in May 2020 was $80,750, significantly higher than that of cabinet makers.


While cabinet making may not be the highest-paying profession out there, it is a skilled trade that requires both technical knowledge and artistic ability. For those who are passionate about woodworking and creating beautiful, functional cabinetry, pursuing a career as a cabinet maker can be incredibly fulfilling. While salaries may vary depending on geographic location, experience level, and other factors, the median annual salary for cabinet makers is generally competitive with other skilled trades and professions.

The Truth About Cabinet Maker Salary: How Much Can You Expect to Make?

Many people are interested in pursuing a career as a cabinet maker, but before they commit, they want to know how much they can expect to earn. Although there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are several factors that can impact your earnings as a cabinet maker.

One of the most significant factors influencing your salary as a cabinet maker is your level of experience. Like many other industries, cabinet making values those with years of experience more than those who are just starting. The reason for this is simple: Experienced makers have honed their skills and are often capable of producing higher quality work than someone who is just learning the trade.

Another critical element to consider when calculating your salary is your skill level. As a cabinet maker, your skill level is measured by how well you can manipulate wood into a finished product. If you have mastered the art of measuring, cutting, and sanding, you can expect to earn more than someone who is still struggling with basic techniques.

Geographical location plays an essential role in how much a cabinet maker can expect to earn. In some areas, cabinet makers are in high demand, which can lead to more job opportunities and higher salaries. Conversely, in areas where there are fewer job options, salaries tend to be lower. Before committing to a particular location, research the cabinet-making industry in that area and determine what you can expect to earn.

If you are looking to boost your salary as a cabinet maker, it may be worth considering additional training. By expanding your knowledge base and ability to work with different materials, you open yourself up to a broader range of job opportunities. Many established cabinet makers offer apprenticeships or mentorships to aspiring makers looking to improve their skills.

Another avenue to explore is the possibility of specializing in a specific area of cabinet making. For example, some makers focus on building custom fittings for yachts or aircraft. These types of specialized jobs can often command higher salaries, as they require a unique set of skills that are not available from every maker.

It's also worth noting that there is a wide variety of job titles within the cabinet-making industry, each with its own salary range. For example, while a cabinet maker may earn a certain amount, a master carpenter or furniture maker may earn significantly more. Before committing to a particular role, research other job titles in the industry to see if there is a higher paying position that matches your skillset.

One aspect that is often overlooked when discussing cabinet maker income is speed. Cabinet makers are frequently paid by the piece, which means they must be efficient in their work. If you can produce high-quality work at a faster rate than others in the trade, you can expect to earn more money as a result. This is why it's essential to work hard to develop time-saving techniques and increase your accuracy, so you can complete jobs as efficiently as possible.

Finally, keep in mind that the cabinet-making industry is changing. What was once a trade dominated by small businesses is now being impacted by larger-scale production facilities. This shift has led to both good and bad changes for cabinet makers in general. While there are fewer small-scale workshops for makers to hone their craft, there are more opportunities to work with large manufacturers who offer steady workloads and a reliable paycheck.

In conclusion, the salary of a cabinet maker varies depending on several different factors, including experience, skill level, location, and job title. By working to improve your skills, specializing in unique areas, and being efficient in your work, you can expect to earn a fair wage as a cabinet maker. If you are passionate about woodworking and enjoy creating beautiful, functional pieces, this may be the career for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on cabinet maker salary. We hope it has been informative and helpful in your decision-making process. As always, remember to do your research and be sure that a career as a cabinet maker is the right fit for you.

People Also Ask About Cabinet Maker Salary

What Factors Affect Cabinet Maker Salary?

The salary of cabinet makers depends on several factors including:

  • Experience: An experienced cabinet maker is likely to earn more than a beginner.
  • Location: Salaries can vary depending on the geographic location of the employer. For example, cabinet makers in cities tend to earn more than those in rural areas.
  • Education and training: The more education and training a cabinet maker has, the higher their earning potential.
  • Employer size: Larger companies tend to pay their employees more than smaller ones.

What Is the Average Salary for Cabinet Makers?

According to PayScale, the average salary for a cabinet maker in the United States is $17.69 per hour, or approximately $42,000 per year. However, this can vary based on the factors listed above.

How Can a Cabinet Maker Increase Their Salary?

There are several ways that a cabinet maker can try to increase their salary:

  1. Gain experience: As a cabinet maker gains more experience, they become more valuable to their employer and may be able to negotiate a higher salary.
  2. Take additional training: If a cabinet maker takes additional courses or training programs, they can learn new skills and techniques that make them more valuable and increase their potential earning power.
  3. Look for higher-paying positions: Cabinet makers can look for jobs with larger companies or seek out positions with higher salaries in their field.
  4. Consider self-employment: Starting a cabinet making business can allow an individual to set their own rates and potentially earn more money than they would as an employee.

People Also Ask About Cabinet Maker Salary

1. How much does a cabinet maker make?

A cabinet maker's salary can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and industry. On average, a cabinet maker in the United States earns around $45,000 per year. However, salaries can range from $30,000 to $65,000 or more, depending on various factors.

2. What affects a cabinet maker's salary?

Several factors can influence a cabinet maker's salary:

  • Experience: More experienced cabinet makers often earn higher salaries due to their expertise and skills.
  • Location: Salaries can vary based on the cost of living and demand for cabinet makers in a particular area.
  • Industry: Working in industries such as custom cabinetry or high-end furniture may offer higher earning potential compared to mass-produced cabinetry.
  • Education and Training: Cabinet makers with specialized training or certifications may have an advantage in terms of salary negotiation.

3. Are there opportunities for advancement in this field?

Yes, there are opportunities for advancement in the field of cabinet making. As a cabinet maker gains experience and hones their skills, they may be promoted to supervisory roles or even start their own businesses. Advancement opportunities also exist within larger manufacturing companies or specialized woodworking shops.

4. What is the job outlook for cabinet makers?

The job outlook for cabinet makers is generally stable. While automation has affected some aspects of the industry, there is still a demand for skilled craftsmen who can create custom-made cabinets and furniture. The need for cabinet makers is expected to remain steady, especially in the residential and commercial construction sectors.

5. How can I increase my earning potential as a cabinet maker?

To increase your earning potential as a cabinet maker, consider the following:

  1. Gain experience and expand your skillset by working on different types of projects.
  2. Stay updated with the latest trends and techniques in cabinet making through continuous learning and professional development.
  3. Consider specializing in a specific area of cabinet making, such as custom designs or high-end furniture.
  4. Network with professionals in the industry to build connections and explore new opportunities.
  5. Continuously improve your craftsmanship and strive for excellence in every project you undertake.

By focusing on these aspects, you can enhance your reputation, attract higher-paying clients, and potentially increase your salary as a cabinet maker.